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share why you want to disrupt project 2025

Use these templates to help create videos sharing why you want to Disrupt Project 2025 using four parts: opening, main content, impact and call to action. 

General Script

Find examples of different issues below, and plug them into this outline. As an example we'll use reproductive rights.

Opening:  "I’m [Your Name] and I want to Disrupt Project 2025 because [of its dangerous impact on reproductive rights.]

Main Content: [Project 2025 will​....

  1. ban abortion

  2. allow pharmacists to deny patients birth control or emergency contraception, and

  3. force OBGYNs to submit patient information into a federal database of pregnancies in order to identify who might be having an abortion so that they can be prosecuted as murderers."

Impact: "This would change my life because [it would take away my right to decide if and when I become a parent, and allow the government to force parenthood on me when I’m not ready."]

Call to Action:  “Share why you want to Disrupt Project 2025! Use #DisruptProject2025 and go sign the pledge at to join the movement, then tag three friends and ask them to do the same. Let’s make our voices heard!”

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Share about a specific Issue

Pick a specific issue below to learn the impact Project 2025 will have on each issue.

Reproductive Rights

Opening:  "I’m [Your Name] and I want to Disrupt Project 2025 because of its dangerous impacts on reproductive rights.”

Main Content: Project 2025 will​....

  1. ban abortion

  2. allow pharmacists to deny patients birth control or emergency contraception, and

  3. force OBGYNs to submit patient information into a federal database of pregnancies in order to identify who might be having an abortion so that they can be prosecuted as murderers."

Impact: "This would change my life [or loved ones lives] because it would take away my right to decide if and when I become a parent, and allow the government to force parenthood on me when I’m not ready."

Call to Action:  “Share why you want to Disrupt Project 2025! Use #DisruptTrumpsProject2025 and go sign the pledge at to join the movement, then tag three friends and ask them to do the same. Let’s make our voices heard!”

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Opening:  "I’m [Your Name] and I want to Disrupt Project 2025 because of its devastating impacts on immigrants.”

Main Content: Project 2025 will​....

  1. use the government to round up hundreds of thousands of immigrants and put them in detention camps

  2. mobilize the National Guard and send them into sanctuary states to find immigrants in mass raids in places like schools, houses of worship, and put them in camps

  3. People who were born in the United States to immigrant parents would lose their citizenship, and Dreamers would lose their protected status. 

Impact: "This would change my life [or loved ones lives] because it would put me, my family, and many in my community in danger of being sent to an internment camp and ultimately deported. The US is my home and I should be able to live here without fear.

Call to Action:  “Share why you want to Disrupt Project 2025! Use #DisruptTrumpsProject2025 and go sign the pledge at to join the movement, then tag three friends and ask them to do the same. Let’s make our voices heard!”

The ENvironment

Opening:  "I’m [Your Name] and I want to Disrupt Project 2025 because it will halt any progress on meeting our climate goals, and undo much of the work that has been done."

Main Content: Project 2025 will​....

  1. impair our ability to prepare for natural disasters by privatizing NOAA

  2. repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, which included $370 billion for investing in green technology

  3. gut regulations

  4. place major limitations on the Environmental Protection Agency

  5. stop monitoring the progression of global warming

Impact: "This would change all of our lives. We can't afford to go backwards and allow corporations to destroy our planet."

Call to Action:  “Share why you want to Disrupt Project 2025! Use #DisruptTrumpsProject2025 and go sign the pledge at to join the movement, then tag three friends and ask them to do the same. Let’s make our voices heard!”

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Opening:  "I’m [Your Name] and I want to Disrupt Project 2025 because Trump will turn our government into a government that serves him, not we the people”

Main Content: Through Project 2025...

  1. Trump will eviscerate the regulations that keep us safe in virtually every facet of our lives.

  2. Trump will fire tens of thousands of federal employees and replace them with unqualified people who were chosen because of their loyalty to the Project 2025 agenda, not their qualifications.

  3. By replacing qualified people with Trump loyalists and cronies, we will be much less safe than we are now.

Impact: We’ll see this impact with the food we eat, the prescription drugs we take, the cars we ride in, and so many other areas of our lives. 

Call to Action:  “Share why you want to Disrupt Project 2025! Use #DisruptTrumpsProject2025 and go sign the pledge at to join the movement, then tag three friends and ask them to do the same. Let’s make our voices heard!”


Opening:  "I’m [Your Name] and I want to Disrupt Project 2025 because Trump will turn our government into a government that serves him, not we the people”

Main Content: Project 2025 will​....

  1. allow Trump to direct agencies like the FBI to persecute his critics and political opponents.

  2. allow Trump to take control of military promotions, replacing the current merit-based system into one based on loyalty, making the military loyal to him, personally.

  3. increase presidential powers no longer abiding by proper checks and balances.

Impact: "This would change our lives because Trump would have unchecked power and could easily become a dictator."

Call to Action:  “Share why you want to Disrupt Project 2025! Use #DisruptTrumpsProject2025 and go sign the pledge at to join the movement, then tag three friends and ask them to do the same. Let’s make our voices heard!”

Government for Trump not the people



Opening:  "I’m [Your Name] and I want to Disrupt Project 2025 because healthcare would no longer meet my family/my needs.”

Main Content: Project 2025 will...

  1. reduce Medicare coverage through privatization and increase the cost of drugs by forbidding Medicare from negotiating drug prices.

  2. set a lifetime cap on Medicaid support which would force disabled people to go without care

  3. deny Medicaid to disabled people by instituting a work requirement for some beneficiaries.

  4. defund veterans' healthcare.

Impact: This would change my/my relative's life by putting essential health care out of reach.

Call to Action:  “Share why you want to Disrupt Project 2025! Use #DisruptTrumpsProject2025 and go sign the pledge at to join the movement, then tag three friends and ask them to do the same. Let’s make our voices heard!”

The Economy

Opening:  "I’m [Your Name] and I want to Disrupt Project 2025 because it aims to create an economy that is less equitable, hostile to workers, and fails to invest in future needs of the country."

Main Content: Project 2025 will​....

  1. eliminate workers' right to overtime pay.

  2. implement a two tier tax system 15% and 30%, raising taxes on millions of Americans and cutting them for the wealthy 

  3. eliminate most income tax deductions, credits and exclusions taxpayers rely on.

  4. further reduce the corporate tax rate to 18%, another gift to the wealthy.

Impact: "This would change my life/my relative's lives by continuing to promote economic policies that are only improving taxes and expenses for the rich, while we are constantly struggling to make ends meet."


Call to Action:  “Share why you want to Disrupt Project 2025! Use #DisruptTrumpsProject2025 and go sign the pledge at to join the movement, then tag three friends and ask them to do the same. Let’s make our voices heard!”

LGBTQ+ Rights

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Opening:  "I’m [Your Name] and I want to Disrupt Project 2025 because it would cause LGBTQ+ people to loss decades of progress towards equal rights!”

Main Content: Project 2025 will...

  1. allow discrimination against LGBTQ+ people.

  2. nullify same sex marriages.

  3. base our laws on a quote “biblically based definition of marriage and family".

  4. nullify safety in schools and the workplace gained from Title IX by replacing "sexual orientation and gender identity" to "sex", which it claims is a fixed biological fact.

Impact: This would change my/my relative or friends' lives by removing basic human right and protections.

Call to Action:  “Share why you want to Disrupt Project 2025! Use #DisruptTrumpsProject2025 and go sign the pledge at to join the movement, then tag three friends and ask them to do the same. Let’s make our voices heard!”


Opening:  "I’m [Your Name] and I want to Disrupt Project 2025 because it aims to push religious teachings and ideals in our public schools.

Main Content: Project 2025 will​....

  1. Eliminating Head Start, a program that helps kids from lower-income households obtain the skills needed for Kindergarten.

  2. require all high school students in schools
    that receive federal funding to take the military entrance exam

  3. eliminate Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 which helps schools in lower-income areas provide for their students.

  4. rescind federal civil rights for LGBTQ+ students

  5. dismantle the Department of Education

Impact: "This would change my life/my relative's lives by increasing the achievement gap we already see in our public schools and push religious ideas on my children that we don't agree with."

Call to Action:  “Share why you want to Disrupt Project 2025! Use #DisruptTrumpsProject2025 and go sign the pledge at to join the movement, then tag three friends and ask them to do the same. Let’s make our voices heard!”


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